Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pregnancy Announcements!

I was randomly youtubing random stuff, and stumbled upon a girl telling her "momma" she's pregnant, and one thing led to another and I found a whole bunch. I'm going to post some up, cause it's what I seem to enjoy doing the most! =)

On death and dying - Written 10/23/01

I've always wondered what it was like to die. I hate to think about it, why? That question is easier, than the one I'm about to ask. I hate to think about death because I wouldn't want anyone in my family to die, now. What is it like AFTER you die? Will you go to hell? Or heaven? How do you feel when you are dying? The thing I wonder most is, what is it like to be born and then after an hour die? If that happened to you you'd possibly wish you were never born. How do you feel when you are killed? That question bugs me alot. It usually worries me so much I get queezy and I just can't sleep. Will someone ever answer my questions?

Dear 9 year old me,
We have not changed much. I still don't like thinking about death, nor have I accepted that we will eventually die. I doubt anyone will ever answer those questions, little girl. Not in our lifetime anyway. When we find out, it will be nice knowing that the two of us went through this life and death process together. I miss you, dear sweet little girl.
Love always, you.

Wrote this on 11/26/01

So this amused me to an extent. I was 9...Try to figure out what I was talking about!

I once had a fruit that looked like a big onion, except it didn't smell bad! If you cut it in half like an apple, yours hands would be covered with bitter red juice. Once it was cracked you could see it was not like an orange or an apple. Inside were tiny juicy seeds. (They looked like this : *see image)
To eat it you had to pick seeds and chew them and then spit it out. I perferred picking one and squeezing it with my thumb.

I didn't know what a pomegranate was called!!

Just Plain Boring

Also wrote this one when I was in 4th grade. I made no corrections to my work whatsoever. The purpose of posting this is mainly so I can keep this somewhere that's not a marbled composition notebook covered in gold glitter.
My 4th grade poetry!

"Bed honey, read or
Don't want to
Zzz "Wake up!" 9:50am
No thoughts?
No ideas?
Oh well!
"Just resting Mom!"
Zzz "Wake up!" 10:05am
"Why can't I sleep?"
Cursive or print?
Zzzz "Wake up!" 10:30am
"Honey, get in the 
Slam! ZzzZzzZzzZzz


Also wrote this one when I was in 4th grade. I made no corrections to my work whatsoever. The purpose of posting this is mainly so I can keep this somewhere that's not a marbled composition notebook covered in gold glitter.

My great grandmother does not seem old even though she looks old. My great grandmother's name is Antonietta. She can bend down and sit down without any problems. (I think?) She lives in Naples. I don't fancy Naples, but I like it. My dad's cousins live there too. I can't keep track of whose who's brother or whose who's cousin. I know that my dad has a cousin that's around 14 or 15. He's nice although he doesn't hang around much. His name is Stefano. He has a motorcycle. Almost all my dads cousin have a motorcycle. When Lorenzo was little Stefano and him used to wrestle and Lorenzo jumped on him and he got a ride. Sometimes I did, too. My dad and his cousin both have the same name and nickname * so, my dad is reffered to both, his name and nickname and his cousin is referred to as Lellone.
Once I took a walk around and I met Stefano and his (ugly)** girlfriend on a motorcycle and his mom started talking to him and doing almost nothing. As I said before I don't fancy Naples but I like it!***

*I later found out that they do not have the same name, just the same nickname.
** I was definitely jealous and possessive of my cute and fun cousin.
*** I'm not sure what this meant...I'm pretty sure the "fancy" comes from a Harry Potter overdose.

"All Grown Up"

I wrote this when I was in 4th grade

Do I want to grow up?
I don't know. I really don't know.
Do I care? Yes. Do I want to leave my mother, my childhood, and my baby stuff behind? I don't know if I want to get rid of my habit of being bossy.
Do I, me, want to be those angel teens that do everything? Or do I want to be little bossy me? Do I want to have kids? Do I want to marry? Do I want to have a boyfriend? (uuuuuh aaaah eeeh not really.)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Kitteh Day

Today, my blog calls for Epic Kittie Fails!

Enjoy these incredibly cute things!

FAVORITE EVER! - A fail so epic, it's totally a WIN!

Oh, kids!... But stupid parents, seriously. Poor thing.

Silleh Kitteh...

Multiple funny cats